Join us for a digest of the latest research, analysis and insights on the relationships between environmental social and corporate governance issues and global business, finance and society. In each episode, hear from experts sharing their insights on how institutional investors can identify and mitigate risks related to ESG factors, but also leverage opportunities in sustainable investment and debt capital markets. This is ESG in Conversation.

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Episode Summary
- Nicholas Gandolfo, Director, Corporate Solutions
- Aditi Bhatia, Regional Sales Manager, Corporate Solutions
In this episode, Nick and Aditi cover some of the recent developments in sustainable finance with market diversification being the common thread. Market volumes continue to increase showing positive year-over-year momentum. Contributing to that growth is new market entries from various sectors as well as a broader scope of activities and projects being funded. With this diversity comes greater scrutiny of the market, especially of issuers and borrowers, their projects and frameworks, as well as their lenders. In our opinion, such scrutiny and debate will ultimately lead to more robust and credible sustainable finance activities.
Climate Transition’s Influence on Sustainable Finance
Although not expressly transition, some sustainable financing frameworks and issuances are coming to market in alignment with ICMA’s Climate Transition Finance Handbook. Japan’s Financial Services Agency has also released its Basic guidelines on climate transition finance with the aim of encouraging the allocation of more funds to contribute to the country’s carbon neutrality goals. In response to a listener question, Nick notes the Handbook’s use in the sustainability-linked bond and loan frameworks of companies in hard-to-abate sectors.
More Sovereigns Move Forward on Sustainable Debt
Sovereigns continue to issue sustainable bonds to support their economic recoveries. Issuances from Germany, the UK and Pakistan made headlines, as did announcements from Canada and Kenya. The principality of Andorra even got in on the action, issuing its first sustainability bond and raising EUR 500 million to finance biodiversity conservation, sustainable water management, employment generation and access to essential services, among other green and social projects.
Diversification's Positive Impact on the Market
Diversification within the global sustainable debt market continues and we see that as a good thing. The entry of market participants from various sectors and the financing of innovative green and social projects has led to greater debate and scrutiny of the market. Highlighted this month are transactions from companies in real estate, semiconductors, agriculture, rail, household goods, banks, technology, education and the mainstay, renewables. This diversification of sectors and types of projects financed is important for the continued evolution and improvement of the sustainable finance market.
Key Moments
00:08 |
Introduction |
00:46 |
Market news |
01:14 |
Market volumes up |
01:53 |
Shell landmark court verdict |
02:42 |
Exxon shareholder activism |
02:59 |
IEA “Net Zero by 2050” report |
04:36 |
ICMA additional recommendations for building taxonomies |
05:03 |
ICMA additional guidance for climate transition finance |
05:49 |
Transition bonds in danger? |
06:39 |
Challenges to SLBs |
07:28 |
Update to Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles |
08:24 |
Sustainable Trade Finance |
09:12 |
Oil and gas and sustainability-linked frameworks |
10:21 |
New Climate Bonds Initiative reports |
10:44 |
Hong Kong Monetary Authority guidelines on sustainable finance subsidy program |
11:26 |
Transactions overview |
14:53 |
Social bonds overview |
15:49 |
Green loans and bonds overview |
16:24 |
Sustainability-linked bonds overview |
19:42 |
Listener question |
22:11 |
Sustainability-linked loans overview |
24:19 |
Transition bonds overview |
25:21 |
Labeled products overview |
26:08 |
Regulatory update |
Links to Select Resources
- IEA: Net Zero by 2050 report
- APLMA/LMA/LSTA: Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles May 2021
- Climate Bonds Initiative:
- Regulation Asia: HKMA Issues Guideline on Green & Sustainable Finance Grant Scheme
- Air Liquide Sustainable Finance Framework Second-Party Opinion
- Kellogg Sustainability Bond Framework Second-Party Opinion
- CaixaBank Sustainable Development Goals Framework Second-Party Opinion
- Weir Group PLC Sustainability-Linked Bond Second-Party Opinion
- Seaspan Sustainability-Linked Bond Second-Party Opinion
- Environmental Finance: Japan's FSA publishes bond & loan 'transition finance guidelines'
- Forbes India: Green bonds, sustainable bonds demand picks up in India in the pandemic era

Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Episode Summary
- Nicholas Gandolfo, Director, Corporate Solutions
- Marika Stocker, Senior Manager, Corporate Solutions
In this episode , Nick and Marika discuss the bustling labeled bond market and its ongoing diversification in terms of the types of issuers, geographies, the use of proceeds and products. As the year rolls on, the sustainable finance market continues to produce strong volumes in terms of the number of transactions and their value. They also highlight developments around transition finance guidance as well as new and updated principles in the loan market. As always, they take a couple listener questions, this time focused on how bonds are labeled and the emergence of combined instruments.
Sovereign activity in the bonds space
Activity in the labeled sovereign bond market looks to be heating up for 2021. Several nations including Russia, Canada, Hungary, UK are considering issuing sustainable sovereign bonds. We’ll keep an eye on this space to see which countries come to market with green, social or sustainability sovereign bonds.
Transition finance
More is being written about transition finance and whether sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs) have taken their place in the market. No doubt SLBs have come on strong, but we see diversification, especially with respect to product, as important for overall market health. Nick notes some of the challenges that could account for the low number of labeled transition finance thus far but anticipates that in time we will see more transition bond issuances. Nick also highlights two transition-focused reports worth checking out - The Transition Pathways Initiative’s annual "State of Transition" and Natixis’ "Transition Tightrope" series.
Continuing momentum of SLBs
On the SLB front, the segment continues to grow. Transactions beget more transactions as borrowers and lenders gain confidence in the instrument. While some observers have doubted a handful of issuances due to questions around the materiality, relevance and ambitiousness of their sustainability performance targets and KPIs, the scrutiny is ultimately good and will raise the caliber of SLBs coming to market.
Key moments
00:09 |
Introduction |
00:55 |
Market news |
02:20 |
TPI “State of Transition” report |
03:05 |
Ongoing developments in China |
03:55 |
Transition bonds vs SLB? |
05:07 |
Natixis “Transition Tight Rope” report series |
05:40 |
EU Taxonomy developments |
06:31 |
Social Loan Principles released |
07:07 |
ELFA/LMA - ESG considerations in leveraged loan paper |
08:11 |
Bond issuance overview |
13:21 |
Loan transactions overview |
14:18 |
Sustainability-linked bonds overview |
18:54 |
Questions |
22:31 |
Sustainability-linked loan overview |
27:04 |
Transition bond overview |
29:01 |
Regulatory updates |
Links to select resources
- Transition Pathway Initiative: TPI State Transition 2021 Report
- Natixis: Brown Industries: The Transition Tightrope
- European Leveraged Finance Association (ELFA)/Loan Market Association (LMA): Guide to Company Adviser to ESG Disclosure in Leveraged Finance Transactions
- APLMA/LMA/LSTA: Social Loan Principles (new)
- APLMA/LMA/LSTA: Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles (updated)
- Science Based Targets: Public consultation for maritime transport sector
- FedEx Sustainability Bond: Framework | Second-Party Opinion
- NAVER Sustainability Bond: Framework | Second-Party Opinion | News Release
- Berlin Hyp Sustainability-Linked Bond: Framework | Second-Party Opinion
- Environmental Finance: Amundi launches first ‘just transition’ climate fund

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Episode Summary
In this round up of news, transactions, and regulatory updates in the global sustainable finance market, Nick and Cheryl discuss climate adaptation and the importance of biodiversity and natural capital. They also share some useful updates and resources from the Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI). CBI recently launched criteria for hydropower, providing guidance for developers on ensuring climate change resilience. It also published several new reports covering the state of green finance in Japan, infrastructure in Malaysia, and the pricing dynamics of green bonds. Finally, CBI shared a helpful list of stock exchanges with dedicated green bond or sustainable bond segments.
IFRS Sustainability Standards Board
On the topic of the growing call for global sustainability standards and the integration of sustainability into financial reporting, Nick and Cheryl discuss the International Finance Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation’s proposal for a sustainability standards board that would sit alongside the International Accounting Standards Board and build on the work of other standard setters focused on sustainability reporting.
Development in US Sustainability
In the U.S., the Biden administration announced commitments to cut emission by 50% compared to 2005 levels. Nick anticipates that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s increasing focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) and climate issues in finance will ultimately have positive ramifications for the broader sustainable finance market.
Combination Instruments
Touching on a prediction made about what we might see in the market this year (listen to our 2021 Outlook episode), Nick touches on the emerging trend of combination instruments. Both Takamatsu Construction Group in Japan and Verbund in Austria issued sustainability-linked green bonds which combine the best of both worlds. Though many investors and issuers still show a preference for either use of proceed bonds (more transparent and explicit allocation of funds) or linked instrument (allowing more flexibility), the idea of a combined approach is being floated in the market.
Nick and Cheryl wrap things up by answering a couple of listener questions and offering up a fun fact about bees and why it’s imperative that we protect these pollinators.
- Nicholas Gandolfo, Director, Corporate Solutions
- Cheryl Tay, Senior Associate, Corporate Solutions
Key Moments:
00:00:09 |
Introduction |
00:01:39 |
Market news |
00:01:39 |
Climate adaptation article |
00:03:07 |
CBI Hydropower criteria |
00:04:08 |
Additional CBI reports
00:05:59 |
IFRS reporting standard proposal |
00:07:55 |
Biodiversity / natural capital initiatives |
00:09:25 |
US administration new emission targets |
00:10:09 |
SLB continuing trend |
00:11:38 |
Hybrid instruments - linked and labelled |
00:12.58 |
Green elements of insurance |
00:14:04 |
Bond issuance overview |
00:19:49 |
Green loans and social bonds overview |
00:22:04 |
Sustainability-linked bond overview |
00:24:56 |
Sustainability-linked loan overview |
00:26.55 |
Transition bond overview |
00:28:58 |
Sustainable product developments |
00:30:08 |
Listener questions |
00:32:13 |
Fun fact - why we need to protect bees |
Links to Select Resources:
- Climate Bonds Initiative: Japan Green State of the Market | Green Bond Pricing H2 2020 | Hydropower Criteria
- Environmental Finance: IFRS Foundation Sets Out Strategic Direction for Global Sustainability Standards
- Bloomberg: Global Securities Watchdog Targets Greenwashing in New ESG Plan
- ON SPO with EU Taxonomy add on
- Global Capital: Enel Takes Crown from AB InBev for Largest SLL
- Sustainalytics Published Projects: Visit our website to view the second-party opinions and annual reviews mentioned in this episode
- Earthday.org: Facts about bees

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Sustainable Finance Insights - Discussing ESG Insights in Supply Chains
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
In this special episode of the Sustainalytics Podcast, our host Nick Gandolfo is joined by Nicole Verkindt, Director, Sustainalytics Corporate Solutions to discuss the role of ESG in supply chains. Given the large proportion companies spend in their supply chain (about 70% on average), the environmental, social and governance (ESG) and sustainability performance of supply chain companies can not be ignored. And for suppliers, a focus on improving their own ESG performance could be a competitive advantage.
Nicole and Nick also discuss the launch of Sustainalytics’ ESG Assessment Platform, a tool to help companies assess the overall sustainability of the organizations that they work with, from customers to suppliers to partners.
Visit our website to learn more about the ESG Assessment Platform.
Nicholas Gandolfo, Director, Corporate Solutions (Commercials), APAC
Nicole Verkindt, Director, Corporate Solutions

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Sustainable Finance Insights - February 2021 Highlights
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
- Nick Gandolfo, Director, Sustainable Finance Solutions
- Cheryl Tay, Senior Associate, Sustainable Finance Solutions
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Monetary Authority of Singapore: MAS Launches World’s First Grant Scheme to Support Green and Sustainability-Linked Loans
- The Asset Triple A Sustainable Capital Markets Regional Awards 2020 – Best Second-Party Opinion Provider
- 2021 Trends Podcast Episode: Apple | Google | Spotify
- Sustainalytics: 10 for 2021: Investing in the Circular Economy
- Nasdaq: The ESG Market Could Explode This Year
- Environmental Finance: Combing Sustainability-Linked and Green Bonds Would Be ‘More Impactful’
- WWF – Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity Report
- Sustainalytics: EU Sustainable Action Plan Resource Center
- ING: Singapore Green Plan 2030 – Important Steps Toward a Sustainable Future
- ICMA: Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles – Related Questions
- The Australian: Altech targets US$144m raise from listed green bond
- Hines: Hines and ING Agree First Green Loan Facility
- Reading on transition
- ICMA: Climate Transition Finance Handbook
- CBI White Paper: Financing a Credible Transition
- Sustainalytics: Transition Bond SPO (see under ‘Related Resources’)
- Transition Pathways Initiative: https://transitionpathwayinitiative.org/
- IEA: https://www.iea.org/topics/clean-energy-transitions
- SBTi: https://sciencebasedtargets.org/
- Sustainalytics: Sustainability-Linked Bonds SPO Backgrounder (see under ‘Latest Insights’)
- JP Morgan: JPMorgan Chase Issues $1billon Inaugural Social Bonds
- Asia Development Bank: ADB Issues First Gender Bond in Kazakhstan Tenge
- Carlyle: Announces Largest ESG-Linked Credit Facility in the US at $4.1 Billion and First-Ever Exclusively Tied to Board Diversity
- Business Green: Low Carbon Aluminium Producer Rusal Agrees $200m Sustainability-Linked Loan
- Thai Union: Thai Union Launches Inaugural Sustainability-Linked Loan
Sustainalytics SPOs:
- Alibaba Group Sustainable Finance Framework
- SCSK Corporation Green Finance Second-Party Opinion
- Trinity Industries Leasing Company Green Financing Framework Second-Party Opinion
- H&M Sustainability-Linked Bonds Second-Party Opinion
- Constellium Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework Second-Party Opinion

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Sustainable Finance Insights - January 2021 Highlights
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
- Nick Gandolfo, Director, Sustainable Finance Solutions
- Cheryl Tay, Senior Associate, Sustainable Finance Solutions
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Environmental Finance: Sustainable Bonds Insights 2021
- CBI: Record $269.5bn green issuance for 2020 (includes themes for 2021)
- Sustainalytics: 2021 Outlook podcast episode
- BlackRock: Larry Fink 2021 letter to CEOs
- Pension Age: Cushon launches ‘world’s first’ Net Zero Now pension
- Portfolio Earth: Bankrolling Extinction
- Environmental Finance: Are green bonds funding the transition?
- Environmental Finance: Green Bond Funds – Impact Reporting Practices 2020
- CBI & HSBC: Sovereign Green, Social and Sustainability Bond Survey
- Sustainalytics Country Risk Ratings
- Science-Based Targets: From Ambition to Impacts
- Sustainalytics Sustainability-Linked Bonds
- Hellenic Shipping News: The Poseidon Principles Disclosure Report is good, but the disclosure could have been better
- Responsible Investor: Experts question credibility of the world’s first official transition bond despite high investor demand
Sustainalytics SPOs:
- Central China Real Estate Limited Green Finance Framework
- BDO Sustainable Finance Framework
- Hudson Green Financing Framework
- Trinity Industries Leasing Company Green Financing Framework
- CSCDA Community Improvement Authority Social Bond Framework
- New World Development Green Finance Framework
- Seaspan Sustainability-Linked Bond

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Sustainable Finance Insights | Special Episode – 2021 Outlook
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
- Nick Gandolfo, Director, Sustainable Finance Solutions
- Cheryl Tay, Senior Associate, Sustainable Finance Solutions
Resources and SPOs mentioned in the episode:
- 10 for 2021: Investing in a circular food economy
- CBI Agriculture Criteria
- TESCO Sustainability-Linked Bond Second-Party Opinion
- Starbucks Sustainability Bond Second-Party Opinion
- Olam: Olam International secures Asia’s first sustainability-linked club loan facility for US$500 million
- BNP Paribas: Danone’s Positive Incentive Financing Strategy
- UOB/Wilmar: UOB extends US$200 million sustainability-linked loan to Wilmar in support of agricultural sustainability in Asia
- COFCO: COFCO International links sustainability performance to new USD2.1 billion credit facility

Friday Jan 29, 2021
Sustainable Finance Insights - December 2020 Highlights
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
If you would like to ask a question to be featured in a future episode, please send it to: podcast@sustainalytics.com
- Nick Gandolfo, Director, Sustainable Finance Solutions
- Cheryl Tay, Senior Associate, Sustainable Finance Solutions
Resources mentioned in the episode:
- ICMA transition handbook
- CBI: Financing Credible Transitions
- CBI: Green Infrastructure Investment Opportunities Philippines
- Environmental Finance: Concerns EU Taxonomy proposals diverge from TEG recommendations
- Environmental Finance: ECB to stress test banks on climate risks after finding disclosures lacking
- Bloomberg: Schroders CEO calls for climate ‘impact-adjusted profits’
- TechCrunch: The biggest step the Biden administration took on climate yesterday wasn’t rejoining the Paris Agreement
Sustainalytics’ SPOs:

Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Sustainable Finance Insights - November 2020 Highlights
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
If you would like to ask a question to be featured in a future episode, please send it to: podcast@sustainalytics.com
- Nick Gandolfo, Director, Sustainable Finance Solutions
- Cheryl Tay, Senior Associate, Sustainable Finance Solutions
Resources mentioned in the episode:
- Banking & Finance: Hype over ESG social bond sale grows after bumper demand at debut
- Environmental Finance: Are banks really going green or just greenwashing?
- Environmental Finance: Are banks really going green, or just greenwashing, Part two
- Environmental Finance: Green Bond Standard ‘may lead to fewer issuance’
- BunkerSpot: Climate Bonds Initiative launches shipping investments criteria
- I&PE: ESMA launches consultation on taxonomy KPI reporting
- Malay Mail: UK to sell its first ‘green’ bond in 2021, says Sunak
- BloombergQuint: China Opens Its Bond Market—With Unknown Consequences for World
- Global Compliance News: Indonesia Sustainability Series: Obligation to Submit Sustainability Report in 2021
Sustainalytics’ SPOs
The post Sustainable Finance Insights (November Highlights) appeared first on Sustainalytics.

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Sustainable Finance Insights - October 2020 Highlights
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
In addition to market updates, Cheryl and Nick answer some listener questions. Submit your questions to podcast@sustainalytics.com.
- Nick Gandolfo, Director, Sustainable Finance Solutions
- Cheryl Tay, Senior Associate, Sustainable Finance Solutions
Resources mentioned in the episode:
- ICMA Quarterly Newsletter – Sustainability-Linked Bond from External Review Perspective
- ICMA response to the EC consultation on the EU Green Bond Standard
- Increasing sustainable bond market scrutiny
- Environmental Finance: Science Based Targets initiative launch finance sector framework
- BCG: Why the new competitive advantage demands sustainability (Sustainable Business Model Innovation)
- Nordea: Lessons from the infant sustainability-linked bond market
- Wall Street Journal: Companies test a new type of ESG bond with fewer restrictions
- OECD: Developing Sustainable Finance Definitions and Taxonomies
- I&PE: International sustainable finance forum starts taxonomy work, gains IMF
Sustainalytics’ SPOs